Our mission

Our mission is to enable an acceleration of the consumers sustainable lifestyle, by challenging the status-quo of what a supermarket can do to lower the consumer footprint. We enable online grocery shopping with 1-hour delivery in metropolitan = Less wasted time, Less wasted goods & Less impact on the planet.

This is how we do it!

Customers order the groceries online and our AI-logistics engine manages the schedule within a convenient space of time of 1 hour from order to delivery.

The assortment of groceries we carry are covers the total need of a household, and to make that even sustainable we have limited the selections to only be the most sustainable in each category. Appealing to the conscious consumer whom prioritise organic, local produced and plantbased alternative. The diet for the future.

In order to create a sustainable business model we deliver multiple drops to consumers on electric bikes charged with green energy. The drops are coordinated through our logistics engine and cracks the the code of how to combine convenience and profitability.